Easy 2-Step Method to Quickly Search for Colleges
Jul 09, 2022
College choice is important and personal, and is not a one size fits all approach. This is what makes searching for colleges so stressful & can be overwhelming. So many "best" lists and so much information to look at. Where do you turn?
But searching for colleges doesn't need to be this hard!
Just follow this simple & effective 2 step process to find the perfect college for your child.
How to Find the Perfect College
The search for colleges can feel overwhelming, but it is so important to spend the extra time to find the perfect place for your child.
Reasons to Research Choices
With college being so expensive, graduation rates down, and a college degree being so important to unlock your child's future, you want to be sure you are making the best decision.
Common Mistakes
The mistake most people make is using the current system of categorizing colleges as reach, target, and safety schools. This does a very poor job of helping you search for colleges because it categorizes colleges into categories that you don't belong.
Rather than use that outdated system, simply search by using 2 terms: Match and Fit.
How to Search for Colleges
The term Match refers to using your child's GPA and test scores as a comparison to the colleges you are searching for; if your child Matches those numbers, then this is a possible college Match.
From the list of colleges that Match your child's numbers, you can then begin to narrow down by finding which schools also Fit your child's personality, interests, and needs.
This system of searching by Match and Fit will help you find the perfect school for your child much more quickly and efficiently than using the outdated reach/target/safety system.
History of Success
I have used this system for years and it greatly outperforms the older system. My students and families have much greater confidence that they have done everything necessary to find the perfect college for them.
I have so much confidence in the system, I even used it for both of my boys (and they are still speaking to me!).
Give it try, the system is both simple and effective.
Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help:
Want to see if college is an expense or investment? Check out this jaw-dropping calculator here.
Take my How to Pick the Perfect College course here.
Work with me personally in my How to Pick the Perfect College. Schedule a free 30-minute session here.
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